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NYCU October 2, 2024

SDCMS News You Can Use

Paul HegyiPHYSICIANS: I’m pleased to report that California Medical Association is wrapping up another successful legislative session in Sacramento advocating for California’s physicians and patients. The Governor has signed into law several important pieces of legislation strongly supported by CMA. The bills cited below were part of CMA’s ‘Priority Bills Package’ for the legislature.

He signed Assembly Bill 977 authored by Assemblymember Freddie Rodriguez, a bill sponsored by CMA to protect health care workers while at work in emergency departments. Previously, assaults against health care workers inside an emergency department carried lesser penalties than assaults committed outside an emergency department. This bill will ensure that health care workers are not treated differently simply because they work in a hospital emergency department.

Governor Gavin Newsom also signed Assembly Bill 2164 by Assemblymember Marc Berman, a CMA bill to reduce mental health stigma for physicians. Previously, the Medical Board of California’s licensure application for physicians and surgeons, including postgraduate training licensees, may have inadvertently discouraged physicians from seeking mental health services and perpetuated stigma around mental health.

In August, the Medical Board of California revised its licensure application to make clear to physicians that seeking care is encouraged. AB 2164 will further encourage physicians to seek mental health care by prohibiting the medical board and the Osteopathic Medical Board of California from asking invasive questions that stigmatize care on licensure applications.

Finally, the Governor signed Senator Josh Becker’s Senate Bill 1120, the ‘Physicians Make Decisions Act,’ to ensure human oversight and patient safety are core components for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in health care settings. Recent news reports have highlighted instances and allegations of health plans using AI algorithms to wrongfully deny medically necessary care.

SB 1120 requires physician oversight of utilization review decisions made or assisted by a health plan’s AI decision making tools or algorithms. The bill strikes a commonsense balance that puts safeguards in place for automated decision tools without discouraging companies from using this new technology.

As always, let me know if you have any questions! Paul Hegyi, CEO

Newsom Vetoes California Bill Against Private Equity Firms’ Health Care Takeovers  CLICK HERE
California Governor Signs AI Bills Targeting Providers, Insurers  CLICK HERE
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Breast Cancer Continues to Rise Among Younger Women, Study Finds  CLICK HERE
Whooping Cough Rebounds to Pre–Pandemic Levels  CLICK HERE
Getting the COVID Vaccine During Pregnancy Protects Newborns from Hospitalization  CLICK HERE
Governor Signs CMA–Sponsored ‘Physicians Make Decision Act’ to Preserve Human Oversight in the Use of AI  CLICK HERE
Governor Signs New Law to Support Physician Mental Health  CLICK HERE
California Protects Health Care Workers with New Law  CLICK HERE
After CalMatters Investigation, Newsom Signs Law to Shed Light on Maternity Ward Closures  CLICK HERE
The Doctors Company
OCT 5, 2024: 7:30am-1:10pm, Westin Carlsbad Resort & Spa, California Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (CACE) educational program ‘Hot Topics in Diabetes and Endocrinology’ for primary care providers. FREE registration includes 3.25hrs CME, breakfast and lunch. Nationally renowned local experts will be giving the latest updates on diabetes, thyroid, obesity, lipids and osteoporosis. The program is designed to be practical for busy clinicians in primary care. Physicians and Advanced Practice Providers welcome  CLICK HERE
OCT 10, 2024: 12-1pm, FREE Webinar for Members, Non–Members, NPs, and PAs, sponsored by CMA and CDPH, ‘Virtual Grand Rounds: Caring for Youth at Risk for Suicide’. 13% of young people and 39% of LGBTQ+ youth have suicidal thoughts, yet many of the health care settings where they seek care have little or no capacity to treat youth in crisis. We will hear from Sharonne Herbert, PhD, MSW, and Abigail Ross, PhD, MSW about their work to bring family–based crisis intervention (FBCI) to an emergency department in CA and adapting FBCI for primary care so young people can begin stabilization and treatment early. We’ll also hear from CA State Epidemiologist Erica Pan, MD, MPH about the status of COVID–19 and influenza, as well as other emerging public health initiatives. CME credit available  CLICK HERE
OCT 23, 2024: 6-7:30pm, FREE Webinar for Members and Non–Members, sponsored by The Doctors Company, OCMA & SDCMS, ‘Top Risks for Psychiatristsand ALL Physicians’. Some patients may not disclose mental health treatment. Internal medicine and primary care are crucial settings for identifying mental health risks. This session provides guidance about caring for patients suffering from mental health issues or who may be in treatment for episodic or chronic mental health concerns. Learn to identify at–risk patients needing referrals for mental health assessment and treatment. We’ll also share insight into frequent types of malpractice claims filed against psychiatrists and how non–psychiatrists may be at risk when unaware a patient is under psychiatric care. Hear from four psychiatric physician panelists about overcoming patient challenges. Their patients may be your patients too! CME credit available  CLICK HERE
NOV 12, 2024: 12-1pm, FREE Webinar for Members, Non–Members, NPs, and PAs, sponsored by CMA and CDPH, ‘Virtual Grand Rounds: From Avian Flu to COVID–19How theOne HealthApproach Improves Human, Animal & Environmental Health’. While traditional medical education has focused only on the human patient, over time we’ve recognized the profound influence environment and animals have on human health. By looking at the whole picture rather than individual pieces, an approach called “One Health,” we can be more effective not only at preventing human disease, but also at creating a sustainable planet for all life. Our guests will discuss examples of “One Health” challenges and describe how bringing this mindset into our clinics, societal actions and policy is vital as we face challenges from COVID–19 to avian influenza. CME credit available  CLICK HERE
AKW Medical
CMA in the Courts  READ HERE
Podcast ‘What the Health?’ Congress Punts to a Looming Lame–Duck Session  LISTEN HERE
Alzheimer’s Project Clinical Roundtable Free On–Demand CME Webinar Series on Dementia  WATCH HERE
Champions for Health & TDC’s Free On–Demand CME Webinar Series ‘Innovations and Smart Approaches in Safe Prescibing’ to Help Fulfill DEA Training Requirements (Modules 1–5)  WATCH HERE
SDCMS Video Archive: View our FREE digital catalog of videos & webinars  WATCH HERE
SDCMS Webinar: Are You Aware and Prepared for New California Laws?  WATCH HERE
SDCMS Webinar: Managing the Noncompliant and Nonadherent Patient  WATCH HERE
SDCMS Webinar: Physician Financial Wellness (Part 1)  WATCH HERE
SDCMS Webinar: Physician Financial Wellness (Part 2)  WATCH HERE
SDCMS Webinar: Top Five Risks for Your Practice  WATCH HERE
SDCMS Webinar: Will Your Documentation Defend You?  WATCH HERE
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